
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Writing W1 T3

Hey guys it's term three and that this is the first Writing post this term, hope you like it.

Writing Stuff

I hoped you liked it.
What are you doing in Writing?

Maths W1 T3

Hey guys it's term three and that this is the first Maths post this term, hope you like it. We learnt about Area and the Perimeter of our Back Paddock and the Numbers of the people in the school compared it with the people in year 7/8. Here is my Maths work.

Hoped you liked it.
What are you doing in Maths this week?

Reading W1 T3

Hey guys it's term three and that this is the first Reading post this term, hope you like it. We learnt about the FANTASTICS like (Feeling, Asking, Noticing, Tasting, Action, Smelling, Touching, Imagining and Checking.)

Hoped you liked it and have a good day!

What did you do in your First Reading Session?