Hey Guys and welcome back to my blog today I would like to show you my Reading Task.
Normal Sentances:
The pup lay on the snow. She looked at the water. It was a sunny day. It was cold.
The vehicle went across the road. There was a car waiting to cross.
The crow flew across the sky. It had wings and a beak.
My Fixed Sentances:
The freezing pup lay on the white cold snow. She looked at the deep blue water.
The sun was glaring in the cold pup. The pup was freezing.
The Massive vehicle went across the long road. There was a massave car waiting to cross.
The wondrous crow flew across the dark black sky. It had feathery wings and a
long beak the size of a table.
We had to Fix Sentances by putting fancy word that meant the same like:
Cold into Freezing and Hot into Frying.
Hoped you liked it
What are you doing in Reading WS?